38 Foods to boost your Metabolism and Weight Loss

Weight Management & Obesity

You can speed up your metabolism by eating certain foods and drinks.

Foods High in Protein

Protein-rich foods can help you maintain muscle mass, stimulate your metabolism, and keep you from overeating.

This is referred to as the thermic effect of food (TEF). The TEF is the number of calories your body need to digest, absorb, and assimilate the nutrients in your food.

TEF is increased the highest by protein-rich diets, according to research. They enhance your metabolic rate by 15–30%, compared to 5–10% for carbs and 0–3% for fats.

Protein-rich meals also assist your body maintain muscle mass, which reduces the decline in metabolism that occurs when you lose weight.

Furthermore, protein may help you feel fuller for longer, which can help you avoid overeating.

Meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all high in protein and can help boost your metabolism for a few hours.

Some more foods and their protein values:


Protein value: 2 g per half avocado

This fruit’s protein has all nine essential amino acids as well as heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids


Protein value: 9-10 g per 1 cup

Milk is extremely beneficial to the human body. Milk is a wonderful source of bone-building calcium in addition to being high in protein


Protein value: About 7 g per ounce

Yes, cheese may be part of a healthy diet if used in moderation. Limit yourself to one dish and couple it with an apple for a super-healthy and filling afternoon snack.


Protein value: 15 g per 1/2 cup

Tempeh is a good meat substitute because of its nougat-like texture. Cooked tempeh can be crumbled over salads or sautéed.


Protein value: 4 g per 1 cup (chopped)

This nutrient-dense vegetable is delicious. Serve it steamed or grilled, or cut it up and throw it into salads

Black beans

Protein value : 7-9 g per 1/2 cup (cooked)

To make a complete protein meal, combine black beans with rice or quinoa.


Protein value: 9 g per 1/2 cup

Marjorie Nolan Cohn, owner of MNC Nutrition in New York City, looks for meals high in resistant starch, a type of fiber that isn’t found in other foods. “Because resistant starch isn’t digested in the small intestine, it enters the big intestine whole, fermenting,” she explains. “This process produces beneficial fatty acids that limit the body’s ability to burn carbohydrates, forcing it to rely on stored body fat and previously eaten fat as a source of energy.”

Greek yogurt

Protein value: 18 g per 6 oz

This thick, creamy delight has nearly twice the protein of other dairy products and goes well with fruit.

Tree nuts

Protein value: 4-6 g per 2 Tbsp

A handful of walnuts or almonds is delicious as a snack, blended into yogurt or oatmeal, or sprinkled over a salad.


Protein value: 8.5 g per 1/2 cup (shelled)

Iron, magnesium, and zinc are just a few of the trace minerals included in a single meal.

Whey protein

Protein value: 24 g per 1 oz

For a quick protein boost, add a scoop to smoothies or water. Trying to stay away from animal products? Soy protein powder is a good option.


Protein value: 5 g per 1 cup (cooked)

Spinach has the highest protein level of all the leafy greens. Try it with a little garlic in a sauté pan.


Protein value: 12 g per 3 oz

This low-calorie, adaptable protein, made from soybeans, can take on any flavor, from Asian to BBQ.

Fish and shellfish

Protein value: 28 g per 4 oz

Seafood is a terrific catch, whether it’s salmon, halibut, or tuna. 3–5 servings per week is a good goal.


Protein value: 5-9 g per 1 cup (cooked)

Quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat are grain-like seeds with higher protein than typical grains.


Protein value: 15 g per cup

Roast them for a snack, sprinkle them on top of a salad, or blitz them in a food processor to make hummus.


Protein value: 12 g per 2 eggs; 14 g per 4 egg whites

Eggs and egg whites, no matter how they’re prepared, are excellent muscle fuel.

Poultry and pork

Protein value: 28 g per 4 oz

Skinless chicken and pork, two family favorites, make it simple to get plenty of protein at every meal.

Hemp seeds

Protein value: 11 g per 3 Tbsp

To add crunch to cereal, smoothies, or salads, sprinkle hemp seeds on top.

Cottage cheese

Protein value: 25 g per 1 cup

For a sweet and filling breakfast, combine cottage cheese with berries or pineapple. Warning: cottage cheese contains a lot of sodium, so check the labels carefully.

Pumpkin seeds

Protein value: 8 g per ounce

Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium and iron, in addition to protein.


Protein value: 22 g per 3-ounce serving

Limit yourself to one or two portions of beef per week because it’s heavy in saturated fat, which might harm your heart.

More metabolism booster foods

Chili Peppers

Capsaicin, a substance found in chili peppers, may help you burn more calories and fat by raising your metabolism.
Capsaicin, according to an analysis of 20 research studies, can help your body burn an extra 50 calories every day.
This effect was first noticed after consuming 135–150 mg of capsaicin per day, although some studies have found that doses as little as 9–10 mg per day can provide similar effects.
Capsaicin may also have appetite-suppressing actions.

Consuming 2 mg of capsaicin just before each meal, according to a recent study, appears to lower the number of calories taken, particularly from carbohydrate.

However, not all studies agree on capsaicin’s ability to enhance metabolism.

Capsaicin, a protein compound in chili peppers, may aid boost metabolism and fat oxidation by a little amount.


Seaweed is a good source of iodine, a mineral needed for thyroid hormone production and optimal thyroid gland function.

Thyroid hormones serve a variety of purposes, including regulating your metabolic rate.
Consuming seaweed on a regular basis can help you achieve your iodine requirements and maintain a healthy metabolism.

The recommended daily iodine intake for adults is 150 mcg. This can be accomplished by eating a few servings of seaweed every week.

However, some seaweeds, such as kelp, are high in iodine and should not be eaten in big quantities.

Another chemical found in some types of seaweed that may aid metabolism is fucoxanthin.

It’s mostly found in brown seaweed kinds, and it may help you lose weight by increasing your calorie burn.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is becoming increasingly popular. By substituting a modest quantity of coconut oil for other fats, you can enhance your metabolism and help your body lose belly fat.

This could be due to the high content of medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil (MCTs). This is in contrast to the majority of other fats, which include a higher proportion of long-chain fatty acids.

Unlike long-chain lipids, MCTs are absorbed and transported directly to the liver, where they are converted into energy. This reduces the possibility of them being deposited as fat.

Interestingly, MCTs have been shown to improve metabolic rate more than longer-chain lipids in various studies.
Furthermore, experts claim that consuming 30 mL of coconut oil on a regular basis can help obese people lose weight.

Legumes and Pulses

In comparison to other plant foods, legumes and pulses such as lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans, and peanuts are exceptionally high in protein.

According to studies, the high protein content of these foods causes your body to expend more calories digesting them than low-protein foods.

Legumes are also high in dietary fiber, such as resistant starch and soluble fiber, which your body may use to feed the beneficial bacteria in your intestines.

As a result, these beneficial bacteria create short-chain fatty acids, which may aid in the utilization of stored fat as energy and the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels.

In one study, people who ate a legume-rich diet for eight weeks had improved metabolism and lost 1.5 times more weight than those who ate a control diet.
Legumes are also strong in arginine, an amino acid that may help your body burn more carbs and fat for energy.

Peas, faba beans, and lentils also contain high levels of glutamine, an amino acid that may aid in increasing the quantity of calories expended during digestion.

Any Foods High in Iron, Zinc, and Selenium

Iron, zinc, and selenium-rich foods help your thyroid function properly, which aids in maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Iron, zinc, and selenium all have significant functions to play in the normal functioning of your body.

They do, however, have one thing in common: they’re all necessary for the thyroid gland’s correct functioning, which regulates your metabolism.

According to research, a diet deficient in iron, zinc, or selenium may impair your thyroid gland’s capacity to generate enough hormones. This can cause your metabolism to slow down.

Include zinc, selenium, and iron-rich foods like meat, fish, legumes, nuts, and seeds in your regular diet to help your thyroid work at its optimum.

Spices that Boost Metabolism

Spices with metabolism-boosting qualities are regarded to be particularly useful.

For example, dissolving 2 grams of ginger powder in hot water and drinking it with a meal can help you burn up to 43 calories more than drinking hot water alone, according to study.

This hot ginger beverage also appears to reduce hunger and increase feelings of satiety.

Another ginger family spice, grains of paradise, may have comparable effects.

Participants given a 40-mg extract of grains of paradise burnt 43 more calories in the subsequent two hours than those given a placebo, according to a recent study.

The researchers did point out, however, that some of the subjects were non-responders, so the results may vary from person to person.

Adding cayenne pepper to your meal may also increase the amount of fat your body burns for energy, particularly after a high-fat meal.

This fat-burning effect, however, may only apply to folks who aren’t used to eating spicy foods.

Cayenne pepper, ginger, and grains of paradise may help your body burn more calories or fat. However, the consequences can differ from one person to the next.

Cinnamon and garlic are very special types of spices can help to increase metabolism . See details about them below:


“When you add cinnamon to your coffee, it helps to suppress the adrenaline and noradrenaline responses, which slows down glucose absorption. It will assist neutralize the glycemic response if you consume fruit with a more direct glycemic response “James clarifies. “When blood glucose levels are too high, the body creates too much insulin. Cinnamon may help you lose weight by lowering your insulin response.”

Many spices, like cayenne pepper, are known to boost metabolism, but cinnamon also helps to reduce your sweet tooth, balance blood sugar, and enhance insulin sensitivity.

Add it to your dessert to help prevent blood sugar increases after a meal.


Garlic helps to maintain a healthy metabolism and blood sugar balance. Garlic consumption has been shown to enhance calorie burn while lowering fat synthesis in the body in studies. “The sulfuric acid molecules in garlic are strong enough to eradicate bacteria and infections,” says Goodman, “and studies show that garlic use may lessen the risk of getting numerous types of cancer, particularly gastrointestinal malignancies.”


Cacao and cocoa are delectable indulgences that may help your metabolism.

Cocoa and cocoa extracts, for example, have been reported to enhance the expression of genes that activate the use of fat for energy in mice. This appears to be particularly true in mice on high-fat or high-calorie diets.

One study suggests that cocoa may block the functioning of enzymes that help to break down fats and carbohydrates during digestion.
Cocoa could possibly help to prevent weight gain by limiting the absorption of some calories in this way.

Human studies on the effects of cocoa, cacao, or cacao foods like dark chocolate, on the other hand, are uncommon. More research is required before firm conclusions can be drawn.

If you want to try cacao, go for raw variants because processing reduces the amount of healthful ingredients.

Some Drinks and Beverages

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and various drinks made by it have been shown to boost metabolism.

Vinegar has been demonstrated to help increase the amount of fat burned for energy in several animal experiments.

In one study, mice given vinegar had an increase in the AMPK enzyme, which tells the body to stop storing fat and start burning it.

Another study found that obese rats given vinegar had higher levels of gene expression, which resulted in less liver fat and belly fat storage.

Although apple cider vinegar is frequently suggested to improve human metabolism, few research have looked into this directly.

Apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, may aid weight loss in various ways, such as decreasing stomach emptying and increasing sensations of fullness.

In one human trial, subjects who were given four teaspoons (20 ml) of apple cider vinegar consumed up to 275 less calories over the course of the day.

If you want to experiment with apple cider vinegar, keep your daily intake to two teaspoons (30 ml).

Also, to lessen the possibility of negative side effects. More research is needed in people to prove apple cider vinegar’s metabolism-boosting capabilities. However, it may help with weight loss in other ways.

Now You might be interested on apple cider vinegar weight loss drink recipe .


Staying hydrated is as simple as drinking enough water. Drinking water can speed up your metabolism for a short time. However, the effects are just transient and may differ from person to person.

Furthermore, it appears that consuming water can temporarily increase metabolism by 24–30 percent.

The additional calories required to bring the water to body temperature account for around 40% of the increase, according to the researchers.

However, the benefits appear to last only 60–90 minutes after drinking it, and they may vary from person to person.


According to studies, tea’s mixture of caffeine and catechins may help to speed up your metabolism.

Both oolong and green tea, in particular, have been shown to boost metabolism by 4–10%. This could result in an extra 100 calories burned per day.

Furthermore, oolong and green teas may help your body use stored fat for energy more effectively, potentially increasing your fat-burning abilities by up to 17%.
However, like with coffee, the effects may differ from person to person.

Tea contains caffeine and catechins, which may help your body burn a few extra calories and fat each day.


Caffeine in coffee may assist in increasing the amount of calories and fat your body burns. However, the effects may differ from person to person.

According to studies, the caffeine in coffee can assist raise metabolic rate by up to 11%.

Six studies have found that those who take at least 270 mg of caffeine per day, or roughly three cups of coffee, burn an additional 100 calories per day.
Caffeine may also help your body burn fat for energy, and it appears to be particularly helpful in improving workout performance.
However, it appears that the effects differ from person to person, depending on factors such as body weight and age.

Cruciferous Vegetables

“B vitamins, calcium, and vitamin C are all found in cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, which help to boost your metabolism. They also contain sulforaphane, a vitamin that aids in the detoxification of pollutants and estrogen. When both of these are active, fat loss is slowed “James contributes to the conversation. They also include a lot of water and fiber, which boosts your body’s fat-burning abilities.

Citrus Fruits

Lemons and grapefruits, in particular, are excellent for digestion. They’re low in sugar and include an antioxidant that can help lower your blood sugar response after meals, as well as vitamin C, which helps your body utilize fat more efficiently.

“The vitamin ‘limonin’ is found in lemons. It aids liver detoxification in both phases one and two. You can help fat reduction by assisting the body’s ability to eliminate toxins “explains James.


“Berries are a nutrient-dense, strong food. They lower the incidence of lung cancer, decrease the spread of cancer, boost stem cell numbers, protect stem cells from stress, strengthen angiogenesis defenses, protect DNA, and improve immunological response, among other things “According to Goodman. Berry consumption has also been demonstrated to improve metabolism, stabilize glucose levels, and reduce body fat content.


“Gluten-free oats are an amazingly healthy whole grain that provides various vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, making them an excellent breakfast item,” notes Goodman. Oats are high in fiber and keep your insulin levels low when you consume them, minimizing blood sugar surges that tell your body to store fat. Your body burns calories as it breaks down the fiber.

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