Care69 has written 95 articles

Type 2 Diabetes and Easy Natural Cure

Overview Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects how your body uses sugar (glucose) as an energy source. This type of diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance, which means that your body’s cells don’t respond properly to insulin, a hormone that helps glucose enter your cells and be used for energy. Resulting…

Type 1 Diabetes : Causes,Symptoms, Complications,Risk factors,Prevention

Overview Diabetes is a long-term metabolic disorder. It is a silent killer disease and  can be developed by people of all ages. It develops in your body when blood sugar levels climb above normal. Diabetes has a negative impact on the nerves, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and heart. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),…

Weight loss Facts of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a food  that is commonly used as an alternative to butter, jam or jelly in the breakfast especially in the United states. It is spread on bread, toast, crackers or sandwiches. Before knowing about weight loss benefits of peanut butter we should know about what peanut butter is, its food values and…

Prediabetes: Causes, Symptom, Consequences, Diagnosis and Prevention

Overview Prediabetes is a health condition where the blood glucose level has just crossed the borderline but not sufficiently dangerous for any medical diagnosis. But it is a sign of type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes often turns into type 2 diabetes, if it is not treated and prevented in time. Approximately one third of American people…

Underweight,Overweight and Obesity| Comparison|Consequences|Solutions

Overview Nowadays weight is a worldwide major issue in the health and wellness sector, including everything from fad diets to fitness routines. Many people are in problems with their body weight and struggle to reduce their weight to get slim. To achieve the goal, they do physical exercise, control diets, take supplements and change their…

Constipation and IBS Treatment

Constipation and IBS Treatment, eliminate toxins from the stomach, improve digestion, relieve constipation, improve gut health, lower the risk of colon cancer. We often thought of detoxifying our body as a part of weight loss. But do we ever think that  our stomach needs to be detoxified? We eat many unhealthy fatty spicy foods and…

10 Natural Home Remedies for gastritis (Gastric)

100% Natural ingredients, No side effects, Natural home remedies for gastritis (Gastric), Easy to make at home, Most effective and powerful. Overview Gastric is a common problem among people of all ages all over the world. There are very rare cases that gastritis is fully cured by only eating medicine without changing lifestyle and food…

Gastritis (Gastric): Symptoms,Cause,Prevention

Nausea, frequent stomach upset, Indigestion, Abdomen bloating, Abdomen pain, Vomiting, Heart burning, acid reflux or acidity There are very rare people who do not suffer from gastric issues nowadays. All children and old people suffer from acidity or gastritis problems due to various reasons including irregular eating routine, fried food, oily food, processed food and…

IBS Symptoms,Causes,Natural Remedy

Introduction IBS Symptoms and causes are important to know to identify the disease before you start treatment. A healthy stomach is key to maintaining a healthy life. If  your stomach becomes upset in any way, you feel uncomfortable and can not lead a normal life. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder that makes…

7 Surprising Constipation Home Remedies Recipe,Usage

Constipation home remedies, 100% Natural process, Stomach detoxification process, Easy to prepare at home, No side effects. Among people of all ages constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem. We sometimes suffer from constipation in our daily life which directly or indirectly has a serious impact on our overall health like mood, skin, stamina, quality of…