Which nuts should we eat and why?
When it comes to nuts, we make no distinctions. Assuming you don’t have any nut allergies, all nuts have a lot of nutritional advantages when eaten as part of a healthy diet. However, if you follow a certain diet or have specific goals, certain nuts may be very beneficial to include in your diet.
Macadamia Nuts – Keto friendly nuts
You should taste this nut, Macadaaaaang! Macadamia nuts are abundant in vital vitamins and minerals, but they are also strong in monounsaturated fatty acids. Because of this, nuts are ideal for individuals following the keto diet, which recommends receiving 60-75 percent of your daily calories from fat.
Macadamias and their monounsaturated fat content can help raise basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy expended while at rest. But if you’ve been consuming a lot of cheese and bacon, macadamia nuts are a fantastic way to balance things out because they’re really heart healthy.
Peanuts for vegetarian/vegan
If you adopt a plant-based diet, nuts and seeds are an excellent complement to your meals. Incorporating a variety of nuts can help you meet your micronutrient and fat requirements.
But don’t underestimate the modest peanut! Though officially a legume, peanuts offer the most protein per ounce of any nut, with little more than 7g. In comparison, one ounce of chicken has 8g of protein, so remember that for the next time someone asks, “How would you get sufficient protein if you don’t eat meat?”
Almonds for Athletic stamina
Almonds and almond butter are fantastic go-to snacks if you lead an active lifestyle. They’re abundant in magnesium, manganese, and antioxidants that help lower oxidative stress and inflammation, and one research found that athletes who ate almonds had better stamina and recovered faster.
Athletes that fed almonds burned more carbs and used less oxygen during workout, according to the research.
Walnuts Provide a Brain Boost
The fat in walnuts is mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids such omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid (LA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). All of these lipids are required for normal brain and cellular function.
Walnuts are the greatest edible plant source of ALA, and they’re also one of the top nuts in terms of antioxidant levels, making them a winner for brain protection.
Cashews, Almonds, and Chia Seeds for Gut Health
These nuts and seeds pack a punch in terms of fiber and magnesium, both of which assist keep things moving in the digestive tract. Cashews are surprisingly high in resistant starches, making them an excellent prebiotic to nourish your beneficial gut bacteria!
If you have trouble digesting nuts, soaking them before eating them may help the body digest and absorb the nutrients in nuts more easily. The one exception is that if you follow a low FODMAP diet for health reasons, you should eat these nuts in moderation.
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