Difference between Weight loss diet and Detox | Explained

Weight Management & Obesity

A detailed case study on why a detox diet is preferable over a so-called weight-loss diet.

Detox is sometimes confused with weight-loss regimens. Actually, there is a significant distinction between them. They differ in terms of the physical impact they have on our bodies as well as the psychological motivation we have while performing them. And, rather than doing a diet on and off, it is far preferable to cleanse your body on a regular basis.

What is Weight loss diet ?

A weight loss diet is one in which people wish to lose weight by altering their eating habits and calorie intake. Their ultimate goal is to lose a few more pounds or kilograms. To impact one’s weight, a weight reduction diet seeks to reduce the type and quantity of food consumed, as well as the calories and macronutrients taken.

What is Detox diet ?

A detox diet is used when a person wants to remove toxins from their body without necessarily losing weight. Their ultimate goal is to refuel their bodies with nutritious foods while also eliminating pollutants from their blood. A detox diet tries to reduce the amount and quality of food consumed in order to address a health problem or other issue caused by a person’s diet or lifestyle.

Weight loss diet goal

The goal of the weight reduction diet is to shed a kilo or two pounds. The mind is only concerned with weight loss, and every change in the scales’ figures excite it. We become depressed if such figures do not change. When we’re on a diet to lose weight, we tend to eat the same items in little amounts or none at all. When we’re on a slimming diet, we frequently consume the same meals in small amounts or even eat food that further poisons our bodies, all in the name of losing weight. So, even if we’ve reached our fitness goals following a diet, our bodies are fatigued and in need of rest.

Furthermore, our bodies see the weight loss diet as an unexpected aggressiveness, so when the diet is finished, our bodies try everything they can to rebuild the reserves that have been lost… Weight loss regimens frequently cause metabolic slowing, making further weight loss difficult. This occurs because the body receives some food to metabolize, but only in small amounts, thus the metabolism slows down to allow the meal’s energy to last longer. Our bodies remember this time of shortage, so when we have more food, we try to put it in the store.

As a result, the effects of slimming diets are temporary; yet, people frequently mistakenly believe that they haven’t found the correct diet and continue to experiment with more and more weight reduction diets, while in fact they are torturing their bodies.

Detox diet goal

Detoxification of the organism, on the other hand, is done so that the body can rid itself of accumulated toxins, which enhances our health and immune system. The goal of the detox is to improve your health, energy level, and mental focus, but some people also do it to promote their spiritual growth. Of course, when people detox, they frequently drop a few pounds. To protect internal organs from contaminants, our bodies frequently wrap them with a fat layer. When we eliminate the toxins from our bodies, our bodies no longer require this protective fat. However, this is merely a beneficial side effect. The purpose is vastly different.

Motivation of being detoxified

When people first hear about detox procedures, they often dismiss them as just another extreme weight loss regimen. But it’s the mindset – that we’re doing this for our own good – that’s crucial. This thinking is exactly what motivates us to stick to the detox plan we’ve chosen. And, unlike weight-loss regimens, detoxification procedures are created in such a way that they activate the body’s healing, allowing it to take care of itself.

Detoxing can be accomplished in a variety of ways. If we have never detoxed before, we should begin with a simple program for a short amount of time. Personally, I am a big fan of the Nadia Petrova method for body cleaning using raw foods, which was established by a Bulgarian nutritionist. If at all feasible, I recommend getting her book “14 Days Detox,” in which she describes how to cleanse our bodies in detail and with example dishes.

So her overall plan is to consume just raw foods for 14 days and then spend three days exclusively on water, tea, and juices, respectively. If someone isn’t comfortable, they can also include some smoothies. Because it is mild and well-balanced, this is perhaps the greatest option for novices to detoxify their bodies.

More ways to detox

Another method for body purification is a juice detox, in which we consume only fresh juice for one or more days. Here, we must be careful to drink enough juice and to ensure that we are not only drinking fruit juice, but also enough vegetable juice. You can also detox with either tea and water or just water. Purification of the various body organs are also included. Beinsa Douno’s wheat regimen is also a great way to give our bodies a fresh start. There is also a yoga cleansing with salt water technique, in which two liters of salty water are divided into four equal portions and consumed while performing particular activities, which cleanses the intestinal flora. This is only a sample of several detox kinds to give you a rough understanding of what they are and to help you distinguish between detox and weight loss plans.

Detox milestones

One day a week, I try to consume only water, tea, and juice. In this way, I am able to rebalance my body and provide much-needed relaxation to my stomach. This does not imply that I am free to eat junk foods on other days since I am giving my body time to repair. I can afford to eat something unhealthy now and then, but it should not become a habit.

In addition to the weekly detox, it is beneficial to undertake a lengthier detox – i.e. twice a year – when the seasons change, which occurs most typically in spring and autumn.

Why actually detox for?

Detox is used as a preventative measure. It assists us in maintaining our physical fitness, and it is not limited to persons who are overweight. People who do not have over weight also do it since detoxing restores the function of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing us to absorb the required nutrients more effectively.


Detox is a wonderful gift to our bodies, but it is also important to follow the nonviolence concept. It is unusual for the body to undergo a detox, especially if we have never done one before, and we may experience headaches, dizziness, or weariness as a result of the numerous toxins that begin to emerge. Starting with a long 10-day water fast is not a smart idea if we have never detoxed before. It’s better to start with a single day of juice or, as previously said, a longer raw food regimen.

It’s about time for a change! Let us start forming a great habit of routinely detoxing our bodies and forgetting about the term “weight loss diet” for the time being.

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