Why does your skin itches when you exercise?

You’re probably familiar with histamine, the biological chemicals that cause hay fever symptoms including sneezing, itching, and general misery. These same molecules aid in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body during exercise. When your heart starts to beat, your body releases histamine, which causes you to scratch. “Then we sweat or…

Flax Seeds Weight Loss Drink | Recipe | Benefits | FAQs

Helps you to lose weight by controlling your appetite. It helps digestion and reduces constipation. It may also lower total blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Ingredients : ½  cup of flax seeds 1 glass of pure drinking water Preparation Process : Take the flax seeds into a grinder machine. Grind it…

What does doing 50 pushups a day do?

One can do as many push-ups as they like during the day. Many people push themselves to perform more than 300 push-ups every day. However, if done correctly, 50 to 100 push-ups should be adequate to maintain a solid upper body for the average individual. Start with 20 push-ups, but don’t limit yourself to that.…

Does eating dinner before bed cause weight gain?

Calories do not count for more at night physiologically.If you eat within your daily calorie demands, you won’t gain weight by just eating later. Despite this, studies suggest that nocturnal diners make inferior meal choices and consume more calories, perhaps leading to weight gain. Choose nutrient-dense foods and low-calorie beverages if you’re hungry after dinner.…