67 articles Weight Management & Obesity Page 2 / 7

Is it true that diets don’t work?

Over a third of Americans are on a diet at any given period of time, with weight loss being the most common cause. The majority of people will be dissatisfied, because even when weight loss is achieved, it is commonly regained within a few months. Before finding the answer you should know the reason of…

23 reasons for gaining weight | Facts

You might be thinking about people around you who can eat whatever they want and still not gain weight. On the other hand there are some people who gain weight no matter how little they eat. Now the question is why? what are the factor behind this discrimination? That is what we are going discuss…

Frequently asked questions | Crunch | Plank | Sits-up

Some popular abdominal workouts are the crunch, Plank and Sits-up. When done correctly, they works all of the abdominal muscles, but especially the rectus abdominis and the obliques. It enables for the development of six-pack abs as well as the tightness of the stomach. Crunches, Plank and Sits-up are the low-cost workout that can be…

Does eating dinner before bed cause weight gain?

Calories do not count for more at night physiologically.If you eat within your daily calorie demands, you won’t gain weight by just eating later. Despite this, studies suggest that nocturnal diners make inferior meal choices and consume more calories, perhaps leading to weight gain. Choose nutrient-dense foods and low-calorie beverages if you’re hungry after dinner.…