Does Weight Matter sex?

Health Issues

Obesity has a negative impact on libido. Small adjustments, on the other hand, can kick-start your sexual drive.

Both men and women are affected by their weight when it comes to sexual dysfunction. In both men and women, bariatric surgery has been associated to enhanced sexual function. More research is needed, however, to completely comprehend the link between weight and sexual function.

Women may experience an increase in sexual desire as a result of losing weight. Losing weight can help men with erectile dysfunction improve their sexual performance. However, it could also be due to an increase in confidence as a result of a healthy lifestyle.

According to new research, certain physical issues associated with obesity have an impact on sex drive, further lowering the desires of those who are obese. The good news is that you can improve your libido by making some modifications to your body (and how you think about your body). You can do the following:

  • To stimulate sex hormones, lose a little weight, even ten pounds.
  • Consume more nutritious foods that help to keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check.
  • Make it a point to get blood circulating to your pelvic area during your workouts.
  • Grab out a sexy novel and begin reading.
  • Accept yourself in any shape or size.
  • Believe in yourself and your sensuality.

How does weight loss affects sex drive?

According to a recent study undertaken by Binks and his Duke colleagues, up to 30% of obese patients seeking weight-loss assistance had issues with sex drive, desire, performance, or all three. According to new research, these issues are frequently linked to physical illnesses that coexist with obesity.

“Medical issues like high cholesterol and insulin resistance [a precursor to type 2 diabetes] can affect sexual performance, which in turn affects desire, especially in males,” says Andrew McCollough, MD, director of sexual health and male infertility at NYU Medical Center in New York.

Because both illnesses can cause the tiny arteries in the penis to close down, especially when vessel-clogging fatty deposits form, impotence or erectile dysfunction is a common effect, according to McCollough.

“A man who has trouble getting an erection will lose his desire for sex in a short period of time,” McCollough explains.

Men aren’t the only ones that have sex issues as a result of insufficient blood flow. Obese women’s sex drive and desire are both impaired by the same problem, according to research.

“We’re starting to see that the same kinds of blockages that affect blood flow to the penis affect the width of the blood vessels leading to the clitoris [the area of the vagina most closely related to sexual response] in women,” says Susan Kellogg, PhD, director of sexual medicine at Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia.

According to Kellogg, when this happens, a woman’s body becomes significantly less receptive, and desire suffers as a result.

Further complicating matters for both sexes is the fact that the more body fat you have, the higher your levels of SHBG, a natural molecule (short for sex hormone binding globulin). It gets its name from the fact that it binds to the sex hormone testosterone. Doctors believe that the more testosterone bound to SHBG, the less accessible testosterone is to enhance desire.

Change your life style , change your sex drive

What can you do to increase your sex-related physical fitness? Plenty. According to experts, dropping just ten pounds can typically free up testosterone and increase your love life almost immediately.

It gets even better. Even if you don’t lose weight, making the same dietary adjustments that help you lose weight — such as eating a low-fat diet and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables — can help you improve your sex drive.

“I’ve noticed that when patients begin to take better care of themselves, they frequently report a significant increase in their desire in sex,” Binks says. “I think participation in a healthy lifestyle definitely helps, even if you don’t shed the excess pounds.”

Kellogg also claims that activities aimed at increasing circulation to the genitals, rather than weight loss, can make a significant difference, especially for women.

“Any activity that stimulates blood flow to the big muscle groups in the thighs, buttocks, and pelvis — such as yoga, brisk walking, or cycling for 20 minutes three times a week — will help improve circulation to the genitals,” Kellogg says. She claims that as a result, she has more lubrication, increased arousal, and improved orgasmic function. And, eventually, a resurgence of sexual desire.

Kellogg also suggests that ladies should augment their sexual workout with 20 minutes of mild erotic reading three times a week. The idea is to refocus attention on sex in order to increase both drive and desire.

“Housework, PTA meetings, and grocery shopping are not enticing. If that’s all you’re thinking about, there’s no room for sex, regardless of your form or size “Kellogg agrees.
“When a woman simply feels better and sexier, weight becomes less of a concern,” she says.

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