Why is it so hard to lose weight after 40? Reasons | Solutions

Weight Management & Obesity

If you’re over 40, you’ve probably noticed that gaining weight — and losing weight — is easier than it used to be. Changes in your activity level, food habits, hormone levels, and how your body stores fat can all have an impact. However, there are a few basic things you may do to assist you lose weight.


Following the age of 40, people lose muscle naturally, especially women after menopause. Because muscle consumes more calories than fat, your metabolism will slow down, making it more difficult to lose those stubborn pounds.


Consume Fruits and Vegetables

At every meal, put half of them on your plate.
Meat, dairy products, and grains tend to provide more nutrients and less fat and calories than produce.
Even if you eat less, it may help you feel satiated.
Fresh fruits such as apples and berries can also be replaced for high-fat or high-sugar snacks.

Don’t Forget to Eat Breakfast

A nutritious morning meal, such as oatmeal or whole wheat toast with fruit, is recommended by experts. It can help you beat that mid-morning hunger that makes you grab something unhealthy on the fly or eat too much at lunch. Small meals or snacks every few hours can help you maintain a healthy appetite all day.

Try to eat less breakfast

If you consume the majority of your daily calories before 3 p.m., you may lose more weight than if you eat a large meal later in the day. However, what matters most is what you eat, not when you consume it.

Cook healthy meal

The manner you prepare meals can add a lot of unnecessary fat and calories to your diet. Instead of frying or cooking with a lot of butter or oil, try grilling, baking, or broiling your food. This is also sound restaurant advice: Fried dishes and foods with creamy sauces should be avoided.

Ignore second attempt

As you get older, you become less active, and you may require a few hundred fewer calories than you did previously. You may need to reduce your calorie intake even further to lose weight. Smaller portions and calorie tracking using a food diary or an app can help you consume fewer calories.

Pay close attention

When you’re combining work, kids, and life, it’s easy to grab food on the fly or multitask while eating. If you don’t focus on your food, however, you’re more likely to overeat — and then feel hungry again soon after. Sit down for meals and focus on what’s on your plate rather than what’s on the television or computer screen. This assists your brain in recognizing when you’ve had enough.

Don’t Drink Soda

Switch to water or another zero-calorie beverage if you drink sugar-sweetened coffee, tea, soft drinks, or energy beverages. Your sugary drinks include a lot of added sugar, which might cause you to gain weight and increase your diabetes risk. enough.

Reduce your alcohol consumption

Booze isn’t necessarily to blame for beer belly. However, a “spare tire” is typical in middle life, and alcohol may play a role. A glass of beer or wine contains approximately 150 calories, which can quickly mount up if you drink frequently. Furthermore, because alcohol makes you hungry, you may eat more while drinking.

Make Time for Physical Activity

Many 40-year-olds don’t have a lot of spare time to exercise because of their desk employment, commutes, and family obligations. However, it’s critical to do at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate physical exercise (such as brisk walking or light yard work) every week for your weight and overall health. Schedule times and make them a priority in your calendar.

Relax and don’t be stressed

Stress makes it tougher for your body to break down fat and makes you more prone to overeat on unhealthy foods. Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, going for a stroll, or reading a good book are all terrific ways to relax. Everyone’s stress reduction is different, so figure out what works best for you.

Get Enough Sleep

After the age of 40, a variety of factors can disrupt your sleep, including health issues, stress, drugs, and, for women, menopause. People who do not get enough sleep, on the other hand, are more prone to acquire weight. If you don’t get enough sleep because you’re too busy or anxious, attempt to adjust your ways and establish a regular schedule.

Tell your doctor to check you Thyroid

If you eat well and exercise often but still can’t lose weight, it’s possible that your thyroid isn’t functioning properly. This affects roughly 5% of the population, with women and persons over the age of 60 being the most affected. It can lead to weariness, joint or muscular pain, and depression, in addition to weight gain. If you suspect it might be an issue, get it looked out.

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