Healthcare69 has written 82 articles

One Ounce a Day Keeps the Doctor Away ! | Peanuts

Which Nutrients are available in peanuts? Nutrition: Protein, fat, and fiber are all abundant in peanuts. While peanuts contain a lot of fat, the majority of the lipids in them are considered “good fats.” These fats truly aid in the reduction of cholesterol levels. Peanuts are also high in the following nutrients: Copper Arginine Magnesium…

“No diet worked for me , I had to fix my hormonal disorder” A MOM said

I’ve been there before, when nothing seems to work. Months after the birth of my daughters, I fought to lose weight. I went to my doctor at the age of 38, and he smugly told me that losing weight is just a matter of basic math—that all I had to do was “eat less and…

What is dietary fiber? List of high fiber foods with total fiber values.

What is dietary fiber? Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate. Fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules, therefore it travels through the body undigested. Dietary fiber, which is mostly found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Dietary fiber, often known as roughage or bulk, is made up of plant components that your body cannot…

Which is better? Light or heavy breakfast? Late night Dinner?

Studies of dieters shows that most weight-loss plans focus on lowering overall calorie intake, but what if the benefits were also influenced by the timing? When obese and overweight women were put on a three-month weight-loss diet, those who ate the majority of their calories at breakfast lost two and a half times more weight…

When should i eat my main meal of the day?

So far, we’ve observed that eating at the same time every day has some health benefits. We’ve also learnt that the quality of the food we eat matters, as does ensuring that we eat food that is satisfying. Is there anything else that needs to be considered? Intermittent fasting is highly trendy these days, and…

Does eating frequency really matters in term of weight loss?

A study published by Harvard Medical School looked into if there was a link between how frequently we eat and our weight. A total of 51 participants were included in the study. The first half of the group ate three meals per day, while the second half ate roughly six times each day. Based on…

Can I eat my meal whenever I want? Research | Deep explanation

Your body goes into stress mode when you take meals at irregular times rather than on a regular schedule. When you eat breakfast at 7 a.m. one morning and 11 a.m. the next, your body is confused about where it will get its next meal from. The stress hormone cortisol is released as a result…